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Line In The Sand

The pot that calls the kettle black
Is always an interesting form of attack
Hypocrites running free
As they point their fingers at you and me

Looking down their noses
Is quite a sight
Always sure that they are right
Don’t even bother to waste your time
All the want to do is fuck with your mind

Time vampires and those who love to gnaw on your ear
I always thought were a little queer
How about those who always tell you how “honest” they are
There is your clue you’re about to get screwed

Firestarters and gossip mongers
Aren’t they just a load of fun?
Where is Attila the Hun when you need something done!

The damage they cause can hurt that is for sure
But keep your heart pure and try to ignore
Their insidious lure for more and more

Life can be beautiful when you take a stand
As simple as drawing a line in the sand
Hold your head high, don’t bother telling them what you think
Deep inside they already know as humans they stink
Walk away and bid them farewell
Even though you really want to say to them go to hell

Maya Chiy (c) 2011 All Rights Reserved


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The Scorpion

Created March 14, 2010