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Showing posts from 2012

Shalom My Love

When forces try to come against us  it makes us more resolute and strong. In the end, we all will know who was right and who was wrong… Shalom my love It is to what we aspire No matter the circumstance Our passion never tires A connection beyond understanding Working out the lessons planned Doing it together, hand in hand Such passion can and does overwhelm At times raw and jagged or soft and sweet Pushing our souls to God's happy retreat Sheltering each other's heart, from the storms that arise Protecting one another from others who are full of hate and lies Pushing the limits between a woman and a man Yet here we are together stronger we stand Perfectly imperfect, that is true But no one will come between the glue That has become the essence made of you and me Shalom… Maya Chiy © 2012 All Rights Reserved